
Our Policies & Certification

Our various company wide policies are available to view on request, please contact us for further information.

However please see below:

  • Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS)

We are members of the RICS and abide by their rules and regulations, a copy of our certification is available upon request.

  • Association of Residential Lettings Agents (ARLA)

A copy of our membership of ARLA is available on request.

  • RICS Client Money Protection Scheme Certification

RICS Client Money Protection Scheme for Property Agents Certificate of membership

  • Privacy Policy (GDPR)

We have in place an privacy policy which is available below.

Barnsdales Group Privacy Policy

  • Complaints Handling Procedure

If you would like a copy of our Complaints Handling Procedures then please email this will help us log your complaint and the procedure will be emailed to you; please allow up to 10 working days for a reply.

Barnsdales Group Complaints Handling Procedure

  • Quality Policy & ISO 9001

We are proud of our Quality Assurance accreditation ISO 9001 which BSI audit and certificate. BSI enables people and organizations to perform better. They share knowledge, innovation and best practice to make excellence a habit – all over the world, every day. We also have in place a quality policy which is available below.

ISO 9001 Certificate

Quality Policy Statement

  • Environmental Policy

We have in place an environmental policy which is available below.

Environmental Policy

  • Modern Slavery Policy

We have in place a modern slavery policy which is available below.

Modern Slavery Statement

  • Equality & Diversity Policy

We have in place an equality and diversity policy which is available below.

Equality Diversity

  • Health & Safety Policy

We have in place a health & safety policy which is available below.

Health and Safety Policy

  • ICO

We are registered with the Information Commissioners Office (ICO) to ensure we uphold information rights in the public interest. A copy of our certification for each of our registered companies is available upon request.

  • RICS Inclusive Employer

We are committed to monitoring performance and improving inclusivity in terms of leadership, recruitment, staff retention, development and engagement and continuous improvement.

  • Unreasonable Behaviour Policy

We have in place a Unreasonable Behaviour policy which is available below.

Unreasonable Behaviour Policy